Occupational Therapy is a
- Client-centred health profession
- Promoting health and wellbeing through occupation.
- Enabling people to participate in activities of daily living
Occupational Therapists work with individuals, families and communities to enhance their ability to engage in meaningful activities by modifying the occupation or the environment to better support individual occupational engagement.
Recommendations may include:
- Adapting or modifying the environment or task
- Teaching, modifying, adapting skill.
- Educating clients, families and carers in order to increase participation and performance.
What to expect when you visit the OTS team:
- An initial discussion to determine individual goals to help direct therapy and best outcomes.
- Assessment of the home and other environments including school, workplace to help identify barriers that are impacting occupational performance.
- Recommendations for adaptive equipment and training in its use, guidance & education for family members and carers.
- Recommendations on adapting the environment to enhance function and lifestyle.
- Therapy sessions both individual and group tailored to improve individual ability to perform daily activities & attainment of goals.
- Ongoing review of goal attainment and adapting therapy and recommendations that are responsive to meeting goals.